Black Bear Ranch Behavior Guidelines

In an effort to make all resident stewards and visitors to Black Bear Ranch feel safe, we have adopted a set of behavior guidelines shared with you below. There will be paper copies at Black Bear.

Resident stewards and visitors to Black Bear Ranch agree to behave and interact with one another in mutually respectful, nonviolent ways, specifically they will:

  • Consent should be clearly and freely communicated every time for every type of activity.
  • Consent cannot be given by individuals who are, for example, underage, intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or asleep or unconscious.
  • Resident stewards and visitors to Black Bear Ranch further agree not to use coercive behavior towards other residents or visitors regarding sex, drugs, or other interpersonal engagement.
  • Resident stewards or visitors who cannot follow these behavior guidelines will be asked to leave Black Bear Ranch and not return.
  • Seek affirmative consent for sex from other residents or visitors.